The church call nine new leaders during the April 2023 general conference. These calls consist of five General Authority Seventies, a new Young Women General Presidency (starting August 1, 2023) and a new counselor in the Young Men General Presidency.
President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced the calls during the Saturday afternoon session of the conference.
President Oaks also announced that three General Authority Seventies (Elders Benjamin De Hoyos, Juan A. Uceda, and Kazuhiko Yamashita) will be released and receive emeritus status on August 1, 2023.
Learn more below about the new leaders.
New Young Women General Presidency (effective August 1, 2023)
President Emily Belle Freeman

President Freeman is an author, speaker, podcaster and teacher. She has written more than a dozen books and has taught for many years in the Church Educational System. She has also spoken at a variety of BYU programs and conferences, as well as the annual Deseret Book-sponsored Time Out for Women. She was born in Boston, Massachusetts, raised in Utah, and spent her senior year of high school in Ventura, California, after her parents were called there to lead a mission of the Church of Jesus Christ. She has previously served as Young Women president and Relief Society president in her ward. She and her husband, Greg, have five children.
Sister Tamara W. Runia, First Counselor

Sister Runia was raised in Walnut Creek, California, and lives in Provo, Utah. She attended BYU, where she met her husband, Scott. They served as leaders of the Australia Sydney Mission (2018–2021). She has also served as a stake scripture class instructor, stake Young Women president and stake Relief Society presidency counselor. Sister Runia participates in civic life, which has included 20 years on the board of the Food & Care Coalition in Provo. She and her husband have seven children.
Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, Second Counselor

Sister Spannaus has been serving on the Relief Society advisory council. She is a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and served in the Argentina Resistencia Mission. She earned a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and also studied art and interior design. She has been an adviser in a young single adult Spanish-speaking ward, an early morning seminary teacher, a member of the South America South Area committee to organize For the Strength of Youth conferences and mission leader with her husband, Alin, in the Mexico Cuernavaca Mission (2009–2012). They are parents of two daughters.
Brother Bradley R. Wilcox has moved from Second Counselor to First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency with Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt’s call to be a General Authority Seventy. Brother Michael T. Nelson is now the Second Counselor. Steven J. Lund continues to serve as Young Men General President.