‘But We Heeded Them Not’ – Elder David A. Bednar

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday morning session of April 2022 general conference. He counseled listeners to hold fast to Christ’s doctrine and “heed not” the mockings of the world. The following is a summary of what he said.

“Entering into sacred covenants and worthily receiving priesthood ordinances yokes us with and binds us to the Lord Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.”
“Gospel covenants and ordinances operate in our lives much like a compass.”
“I witness that fidelity to the covenants and ordinances of the Savior’s restored gospel enables us to press on in the work of the Lord, to hold fast to Him as the Word of God and to heed not the allurements of the adversary.”

Summary of Elder Bednar’s talk

“Heed not” to the evil influences and mocking voices of today’s world.

“The doctrine of Christ written ‘with the Spirit of the living God … in fleshy tables of [our hearts]’ increases our capacity to ‘heed not’ the many distractions, taunts and diversions in our fallen world. For example, faith focused in and on the Lord Jesus Christ fortifies us with spiritual strength. Faith in the Redeemer is a principle of action and of power.”

When one is steadfast in coming unto Christ “and are yoked with Him,” he or she “receives the cleansing, healing and strengthening blessings of His infinite and eternal Atonement.”

“Living and loving covenant commitments creates a connection with the Lord that is deeply personal and spiritually powerful. As we honor the conditions of sacred covenants and ordinances, we gradually and incrementally are drawn closer to Him and experience the impact of His divinity and living reality in our lives.”

Valiant Latter-day Saints are able to “heed not” worldly influences by meaningful scripture study, fervent prayer, participating in the sacrament and ministering to others.

“The ability to resist the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary is promised to those individuals who ‘hold fast to’ rather than merely ‘cling to’ the word of God.”

More from Elder Bednar

‘But We Heeded Them Not’ – Elder David A. Bednar

The Bednars’ powerful marriage advice

Elder Bednar Ministers in Amman, Jordan

Elder Bednar Invites Us to Learn of the Savior Jesus Christ

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